Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Happy Birthday!

Not only does the EFG turn 17 today, but this blog has its FIFTH birthday - so Happy Birthday, Growing In the Fens.

Have a cup of tea and some cake on us!

Thank you to all the Followers, commenters and readers who have made it such a privilege to share our lives with you.  I have no clear idea of where the next five years will lead us, but I do hope that we will continue with the blogging, whatever happens.


sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Happy birthday to EFG, I hope she has a lovely day.

Frugally challenged said...

Happy birthday to both EFG & GITF

Sue in Suffolk said...

happy Birthday to EFG and long may your blog continue.

Ciao said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter and your blog,

cochranegirl said...

Yes, keep up the blogging! Best wishes to you all.

Lesley H in Livingston

Wannabe Sybil said...

Happy Birthday! And thank you for sharing - you have inspired! WS xxx