Sunday, 3 April 2011

On Mothering Sunday in the evening

It's still Sunday, just - and I have had a lovely day with my girls and family. The church services went off well, and then we came home to find that the EFG had made cakes and prepared a tea party for me. She took a photo for me of how she had arranged the table - it was just lovely! I'll share the picture when she emails it to me. Tea and cakes was actually lunch!

In the afternoon, I pootled around a little; the YFG and I cut the front lawn, I looked at the chooks, my dad and MB came over and had a cup of tea with us and told us about their last holiday. I saw the end of Nigel Slater's programme, missed Guy and his boat completely, watched some of Countryfile, ate our tea and then I had a snooze! We've got the girls off to bed, watched Lewis on ITV + 1, and so here I am, just turning things off and putting the ironing away on my way to bed!

I've had a few moments to think about my own mother, and the YFG was asking what life would be like if she was still here. Quite different, probably! I lit a candle for her today, and one for Merry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your loved ones.

sft x