Sunday, 7 March 2010

A day in the garden

The high pressure is continuing to settle over the UK and we had another bright, clear day today. I have been tidying up in the garden, cleaning out chicken houses and digging over a raised bed in the veg patch - only 4 more to do. I have moved some of the chickens into smaller, separate houses as they have been entered into a Spring Poultry Auction on 28th March, so I needed to get them a little less muddy than they have been!! Three Buff Orpingtons, two Black Orpingtons, two Barnevelders, two Buff Sussex and the pair of Silver Laced Wyandottes are on their way to new homes in three weeks' time.

The girls have been on the computers and also outside on the trampoline today. The EFG cleaned out some rabbit hutches with the YFG assisting. Then their friend T came around and they all sat on the trampoline together, and I could hear their laughter in the house. Good times all round.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

I LOVE reading about peoples chickens! Just today I broached the subject of backyard chickens at a board meeting with our Home Owners Association .. (I'm the secretary/treasurer) ... and was surprised at the response from the board members that they too wouldn't mind having chickens. So we'll see where this ends up ... down the road a bit... it does give one hope;)