Yesterday, after doing some work in the morning, I set off on a spree! And what a good day it was too, in that respect. I travelled from the flat prairie-like land of the Fens, to the altogether more attractive Stamford, town of the famous "George Inn" and beautiful stone houses - almost something from a television historical drama. It is a lovely town.
I met up with Sweet Blondie Blue Eyes and her husband at Morrison's for a cup of tea, and had a wonderful hour with them. I have been in touch with SBBE for a few years now and purchased some of her sewing before, as well as asking her to custom-make me some bean bags for gymnastics. It was the first time we had met in person, though.
We had been planning to meet in June when the FH had an appointment at Stamford hospital for the palliative care doctor, but we had to cancel that as it was one of the days he was admitted to the hospital in a hurry. It was good to meet at last, albeit a bit sad because the FH didn't make it to meet them too. I did take them an order of service from the funeral as they had been planning to come to the funeral when SBBE's husband was taken ill himself that day.
Chatting, munching, reminiscing, the hour or so soon passed and we were on our separate paths home again - but I do hope to do it again one day! I was glad that I had some photos of the girls on my phone that I could share with them, and of course, they didn't know what I looked like - but SBBE helpfully told me she would be wearing a red hat and coat and would wait by the front door so I recognised her immediately.
It was brilliant to have a bit of an away-day from everything and just to be me! I enjoy driving so the 40 mile trip was a pleasure and the weather today made the scenery over that way all the more attractive. I am ashamed to say that there is one less pheasant on the roads today, though, as it just didn't move and I couldn't swerve as there was a car coming the other way.
Back to the grindstone when I got home again last night, spending another 90 minutes on the phone making the calls that are my new job.
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Sounds like a good trip out, how nice to meet up with a bloggie friend, Vee x
Good for you to have a day out with friends.
Sounds like a sweet visit. I read SBBEs' blog and would love to meet her.
Have a great weekend.
We used to do our weekly shop in Morrisons when we lived in Stamford. The George would have been nice for a coffee but pricey!! The Orangery at Burghley House is nice and the gardens are beautiful. We spent many hours in the grounds when our son was little. So pleased that you had a lovely day. Sometimes just getting away from the house is enough of a break.
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