Sunday, 24 November 2013


The service went well this morning, since a friend sent me a service outline and her sermon!  She is a probationary minister in Lincolnshire now but she was a Local Preacher in our circuit once, many moons ago.  She is a lovely friend and very keen to help out.

(image from

I had to sort out the prayers but most of the rest of the service was there for me - how kind she was!  Her text for the day was Jonah, chapter 1, the tale of God telling Jonah to get himself off to Nineveh, but Jonah being afraid and rushing in the opposite direction.  The point of the sermon was to remind us that God's message of good news is for ALL, and that we are only the messengers: it is not for us to choose who we give the message to, not for us to judge whether they are worthy recipients.  God is the only judge, and we should not presume to touch on that.  

My friend spent time on placement in a men's prison, where she met men locked up for all kinds of sexual and predatory crimes, as well as murderers and she says that she knows God is at work in such places.  God is at work everywhere, thank goodness.

I hope you have a good week.  Life in the Fens continues and we have another busy week ahead, but we are now on the home straight towards the end of term - just three more weeks to go.  I have to admit to being excited about "time off"!

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