Thursday, 4 July 2013

Too busy to spend a penny!

In more ways than one!

My purse has remained closed since 7.45am when I had to put some diesel in my car, but I was taking the YFG to school early for the bus to the Battlefields, and I was passing the cheapest garage around this area, so I couldn't miss the chance.

I waved her off as she pulled her suitcase into the school with all the others arriving there this morning.  She went off without a backward glance, and I came home again.  Time to water the greenhouse, let the chooks out and hang the washing, before going to school to a budget meeting.  That took nearly all morning....
On the way home, I popped in to the chapel to get it all set up for the Knit & Natter group in the morning.

Home for some lunch and then I did some baking.  I have another Herman batter which has been proving for quite long enough, so I set some aside to grow again, turning the remainder into a batch of chocolate and banana muffins, and a batch of lemon muffins.  Then I made a couple of Victoria sandwich cakes, one for the group in the morning and one for the household here.  The YFG will enjoy some of that for her supper tomorrow night!  I have "heard" from her in a way as I received an email from the Flanders Field museum this afternoon, which was entitled, "The people you connected with" so I can only imagine she has been there this afternoon, and sent home details of the famous people she has read about there.  We haven't made her phone suitable for use abroad, so she has no way of getting in touch until she is back on English soil tomorrow evening, so it seems a novel way of waving and saying, "This is where I've been, Mum!"  Hopefully she is fast asleep tucked up in her hotel bed now!

This evening, after supper, we sat together and watched a DVD of The Young Victoria, which was interesting, and then I have been watering the garden and the greenhouse again.  UJ noticed some weeds in the untended area of the garden to the side of the house when he was here yesterday and recommended that they be cut down before the flowers went to seed, so I have chopped them with the secateurs tonight.  Thirsty work, so I have come in for a cuppa.  It is very warm and muggy here tonight, and the garden is cooler than the house, so I shall be flinging windows wide when I go upstairs.

Tomorrow, the EFG is going on a trip to Cambridge to the Botanical Gardens, which she is looking forward to immensely - this is her third trip there and she loves it!  The FH will take her to catch the train in the morning.

I am looking forward to getting another square or two made at the group in the morning as I haven't had a chance to do anything this week at home...


Wannabe Sybil said...

I am awestruck at how much you have done. Hope you are okay in the coming heatwave! WS xxx

Sue in Suffolk said...

You are really busy too by the sound of it