The day has been a busy one, starting off in school, where a group of us observed and interviewed three candidates for a teaching position at the school. Some of the teaching was inspiring, some less so. We have successfully chosen our candidate and I am confident in this appointment that we have chosen the right one for the job. The candidate was a bag of nerves, but it was clear to see the passion and enthusiasm shining through the nerves.
(image from
I popped home for about an hour, and there was a letter from Papworth inviting us to ring and make a date for the cardioversion procedure for the FH, which I duly did. The date set is the 10th June, but the warfarin levels have to be within the required zone for four weeks before the procedure, so now the levels have to be tested weekly. They were tested yesterday and the nurse made an appointment for a fortnight, so now I have to try to make contact to get one for next week as well.
The procedure will take place in the morning and he should be allowed home in the afternoon. The FH has to be on the day ward by 8am so I anticipate another night at UJ's house, and then I can spend the day there whilst the FH is in hospital. I am looking forward to a day there already....And I will be very pleased for the FH to get the job done, and fingers crossed that it works.
Tonight, the YFG had her piano lesson, and then we went to that shop beginning with a T. When we arrived, we sat in the car for a minute and I explained to the girls that we were going to have a month "off" from this shop in May, to see that it could be done and how we got on with the job. They seriously doubt my ability to stay away, which just makes me more determined to achieve the goal.
A senior member of staff called me from the girls' school to speak to me in response to my email about the uniform - shame my phone was turned off because I was in the interviews! I did return the call but then he was in a meeting, so I hope to speak with him tomorrow - I shall let you know the outcome. At least I am getting a response.
Good news about FH. Also, glad someone is getting back to you re uniform. That policy is a disgrace. WS x
Sounds like you had a really positive day!
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