Monday, 26 May 2014

A day in the garden

Yesterday afternoon, I spent more time in the garden.  I managed to turn this area under the old swing frame, which had been a tangled mass of weeds, into a much cleaner and weed-free planting area.

I even found a couple of bean plants already growing which must have set themselves from last year's seeds.  I've been using this area, where we put the old swing, for runner beans, for several years now, and they are very "hungry" plants.  This year I have added some chicken manure pellets to the soil, just to give it a boost.  I have had a bucket of these pellets for years, and hardly ever use them as I have so much of the fresh stuff which I compost!

The raspberry crop is looking promising.

Little Gem lettuces are growing nicely in the greenhouse and will get planted out next weekend, I think.

Another area where I grew runner beans last year, and this little lot have all set themselves again!  I have popped a few more seeds in around the base of the canes to make sure we have loads again this year as I really love fresh runner beans and would happily eat them every day in the season!

Cucumbers growing nicely in the greenhouse.  We might get one or two nice cucs by the end of the summer...

After spending all that time in the garden, there was time to pop the lambshanks and a rice pudding in the oven to cook for the supper.  Then I read a book for the evening - well, it is a BH weekend after all!

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