Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Silver Sewer

I have been in touch with Silver Sewer today and she is fine. 

Unfortunately the trolls are back in her comment box, and she is going to enjoy her holiday before she decides what to do.  I know she will be missed, but she and her husband are fine and that is what matters.


Louise said...

Good news that both are well. I read and enjoy her blog regularly and was sad and concerned to see it had disappeared yesterday. Thank you for your update. Wishing them both a happy holiday.
Best wishes to you also.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh, thank you for letting us know, I hoped that nothing was wrong.

veeknits19 said...

So glad Silver Sewer is fine. Trolls really are the lowest of the low - hiding, as they do, behind anonymity. If they don't like what they read they should go & read something else. Thanks for setting minds at rest, xx

Frugal in Bucks said...

Send her love from us all. Can't believe people are so nasty and twisted. A minority I think though. X

Morgan said...

Thank you all - I have let Silver Sewer know and invited her to come and read your kind comments xx

Christine said...

Thank you for the info and do please give her my best wishes and once again thank you for putting my mind at ease.
Christine in Germany

ps Really enjoy your blog - keep up the good work.

rabbitquilter said...

Oh! What a shame - again. I have been away for a week, caravanning, an wondered how Silversewer was getting on in hers'!! She has risen above this before, I hope she does it again, I so enjoy her blog. Best Wishes to her. X

Compostwoman said...

Ah I did wonder! Glad all is ok and thank you for contacting her to check all is well - I was a bit worried!

Marjorie said...

Thank you for the update on Silver Sewer. I am a faithful fan of her blog and wish those trolls would just leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

Silver, someone I regarded as family once described me as a flibberty gibit...'scuse the spelling...It too until last night for the penny to drop, actually it was Margret Fabrizio over at youtube where she is Atree3...quite simply ..jealous. I have more talent, spirit and imagination than they have in their sad little lives..shrugs, so its simple they are jealous. Ignore these eejits, and remember all your friends, we would miss you too much,. I f they comment don even read..just delete, bullies soon get bored and alas move onto their next target. Good health to you and yours look forward to having you back soon