Sunday, 27 October 2013

St Jude

Someone has called the storm which is approaching the UK after the patron saint of lost causes, which is probably less to do with the naming than the fact that tomorrow is the saint's day in the Catholic Church's calendar of saints' days.  The Guardian explains more about it here.

We have done all we can to prepare for this storm, including finally getting batteries in the torch!  The full Calor gas bottles had to be connected up yesterday as the last of the old ones had emptied, so we have plenty of gas for cooking and boiling water if we lose the electricity.  Everything in the garden has been secured; the only thing I am slightly worried about is our metal chimney, but there's nothing I can do about that.  We have firewood aplenty for keeping warm, and lots of food.  There are also no trees in the vicinity so we should be safe from falling timber just here.  That's not to say we may not be affected by flying debris, I suppose.  The worst of the storm is predicted between 5am and 8am so I hope we get some sleep before then!  

We are expecting visitors tomorrow but I shan't blame them one iota if they make a dash for home and postpone their visit!

I just pray that we are all safe and well, you in your homes and us here, by tomorrow evening when the storm has passed over.  Keep safe x


Sol said...

Good luck! See you on the other side

Sue in Suffolk said...

I've just had a comment on my blog from Janice in Alberta where they have SNOW - even for Canada that's a bit early. Weird worldwide weather!

rabbitquilter said...

Wet and windy here. Have battened down the hatches, I hope!! Take care everyone, especially if you have to go out or to work in the morning.

Angela said...

I am so glad we didn't go home early- it was absolutely lovely to meet you and your delightful family! And now we are safely back in our own home.

Keep warm and well and enjoy your Half Term! xx