Wednesday 24 September 2008

Catching up

Monday night's dinner was superb! The chicken was lovely - it tasted of old-fashioned, honest chicken - like chickens really used to taste. The YFG said it tasted, "really chickeny", and it was even better cold. We are really pleased at how it turned out. There was enough for four roast dinners, and some left over for sandwiches or picking at, as the case may be.
Yesterday was a hectic day as I got an urgent phone call to go to show some books to a group of teachers with only an hour or so's notice, so I had to abandon the day's plans and hare off to that. It ran on, and I ended up going straight to gymnastics from there, having no lunch and having to grab a packet of crisps and an apple to keep me going until I got home at 8.30pm. The book meeting went well, but gymnastics got a bit hairy as all of a sudden, there were 29 girls in the first class, where there had been about 21 the last time I was there - I missed last Tuesday due to illness. 29 kids, 2 coaches, a choreographer and a parent helper - we could have done with more help! And about 7 of the kids were relatively new, so we were trying to get their names straight, and explain stuff to them, which is important but takes time, so the whole class passed in a bit of a blur, and I was glad to get to the second where there were only 13 girls, and only one of them "new".
Today I have had a bike ride to take the YFG to school, picked some runner beans and prepped them for the freezer (I love the smell of fresh runner beans) and the FH has been out with his friend to bring more horse manure home to put in the raised beds to improve the soil over the winter ready for the spring planting. I am also taking advantage of the breezy weather to do my washing and try to get it all dry.

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