Saturday, 2 August 2014

Ups and downs in a big way......

Ups: the girls are on their way home :)

Downs: just when they are coming home laden with washing, the machine has just this morning conked out on me.......


Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh No! That's the nightmare scenario.
You'll have to get them doing some treading clothes in the bath!

Lyssa Medana said...

Not the washing machine, the single greatest mechanical gift to women!!! But it will be great to see them. Good luck. WS xxx

Bridget said...

Huh! Isn't that just always the way?
A hand washing lesson coming up?

rabbitquilter said...

Perhaps the washing machine is just on strike, thinking of what was to come!!! Have a lovely catch-up weekend with your girls. Xx

Morgan said...

The wonderful UJ has come to the rescue, as he so often does - we left a load of light coloured washing whizzing round in his machine when we popped in to his house on the way home, and another darker load ready-sorted for him to pop in when the first load is done. He will hang it up under his verandah and bring it back with him on Wednesday. He's a star!