Saturday, 30 August 2014

Vacuum cleaner laws

Goodness me, the emotions that can be raised by a new law about the manufacture and import of the humble vacuum cleaner!  They have come on somewhat since their early days......

(image from

I remember my Mum having an upright one for years which she often had trouble with, something to do with the belt slipping off the motor....and my granny always had one with a long hose attachment.  Mum went to work at Gonville & Caius college in Cambridge when I was older, and we met the first of a series of Henry hoovers that she used working in the accommodation houses there.  She loved her Henry so much that she eventually had one at home too.  
(image from

We have had a blue upright Vax vacuum for several years, probably at least 5 years.  It has been replaced once, by a hose type like Henry, which then died and we had to go back to the Vax.  The Vax only does any good if it is emptied every time it is used, and I mean Every Time!

And so the time came light of the new legislation, a rather nice vacuum cleaner was half price in that supermarket, and so I bought one.  It actually picks things up without having to go over the carpet half a dozen times - what bliss to be able to clean a room in 5 minutes instead of 15!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We also got a new cleaner for upstairs as my dyson is too heavy for me carry.It is a Vax got it for a great price and love it.Don't think we paid more than £36 for it:)