Friday, 15 August 2014

This week in pictures

The 8lbs of greengages which UJ brought over on Monday and I turned into 16 jars of jam.  I love greengage jam and that should set me up for months!

The gorgeous tomatoes ripening on the vines outside the back door - they are scrumptious picked and popped straight into the mouth for an impromptu snack in the garden!

The veg plots are looking tidier after UJ had a hoeing session, and I did a little too.  The French beans in the foreground are still producing well, there are leeks in the middle bed and the courgettes are amazing.  The runner beans survived the windy conditions of last weekend too!

And this is the fantastic leaf-pattern hat which the EFG has designed and knitted herself.  She downloaded the leaf pattern from a knitting library on the internet, and then pulled together elements of other patterns to make a hat.  It fits beautifully and I want one!


Frugally challenged said...

That is one very lovely hat. You have a talented daughter - and with knitting skills like that she may survive the cold of Aberdeen!

veeknits19 said...

Lovely hat, how clever of her to make the pattern from the info she had. I expect she'll need it in Aberdeen, I remember the cold east coast winds. Glad the veg are coming on well & the jam sounds great. Thank goodness for UJ & his help. Vee x

Bridget said...

Your veg beds look lovely and neat. Great hat, clever girl!