Saturday, 2 August 2014

My pirates are home!

Yes, they are back and making themselves at home already, with a friend here overnight for a sleepover, and they have had fajitas and are playing Harry Potter Cluedo around the dining table - I am shortly off to bed with my book and leaving them to it!

It has been a good week for quiet reflection and getting some things done, but I didn't get as much done as I had thought I might, but some time "off" has been a good thing for me, I think.  Having said that, I am so glad to have them home now - it was getting just a little bit too quiet!

They have taken some lovely photos and I hope to share a few of them with you over the weekend.  Chapel in the morning and then we are setting the gym up for the week's holiday club tomorrow afternoon.


veeknits19 said...

Glad to hear the girls are back, I'm looking forward to seeing their photos. Hope you are enjoying your book. It sounds like a busy day ahead. So glad to hear dear UJ rode to the rescue re the washing machine, what timing for the thing to break down. I really don't like having to do without a washing machine so sympathise with you there. Hope it's not too expensive to repair or replace. Good wishes, Vee x

Cheapchick said...

So glad they had a good time on their trip. All of you deserved a bit of a break.