Thursday, 21 August 2014

Adult in the house

The EFG has had her 18th birthday today - there's another adult here now, for a couple of weeks, anyway!

We have had a busy day - popping off to school to pick up the YFG's GCSE Eng Lit result [B - rather fab!] and then visiting a couple of friends in the town to pick up cards!  We came home so that the EFG could have her hair trimmed and then she and I went to the other town whilst the YFG went swimming with her friend for an hour.  We came home and collapsed - they watched a film and I read a book, and then I nipped up to the chapel to have a chat with the Jigsaw club ladies for a bit of help with my current project.  When I came home, the local electrician was here to take away the poo pit pump for repair, and then it was time to cook enchiladas for the birthday tea.  The girls' brother, FHS, brought his partner over and they stayed until 10pm, chatting over chocolate birthday cake and raspberries for some time.  A good evening all round.

All in all - a very productive day, with lots done, happy times shared, and another birthday celebration over. This morning I was remembering the day I gave her birth, and now it feels like her freedom is being dragged out of me, as I am reluctant to let her go so soon after the FH has gone from here.  I know that she must go, she has to be allowed to grow, to learn and to develop further, but that doesn't make it any easier.......


Bridget said...

I know what you mean, letting go may be what's best for them but it's not easy is it? I still have mine all under one roof for another two years. I know they will pass quickly though!
Glad you had a lovely day celebrating x

Jackie said...

I have one about to go into last year of school, and one going into year 11 (same age as YFG?) and I am already steeling myself.
They have to be allowed to grow up and learn to fly. But I am not looking forward to it.

Cheapchick said...

She is likely feeling the same way. Hopefully she will keep in touch by telephone whenever she needs you so that both of you feel closer to one another.

rabbitquilter said...

Happy Birthday to you, EFG!! with love X Lots of birthdays this month! No.1 son has a birthday on Monday, he and H will be out for the day so we are celebrating on Sunday. I am attempting an M&M cake!!The sponges are in the oven, which is the easy bit!! Creating it may prove more complicated!!! It leaves a big gap when they fly the nest, even if mine is only down the road!! You never expect them to go up so quickly!!! I am going 'techy', going to get new phone and Ipad tomorrow, whether I shall be able to work them remains to be seen!!! Have a lovely weekend With love XXX