Whilst we were on holiday, I bought myself a copy of the i newspaper the odd day or two, and one day, I came across a snippet about some woman called Kim Kardashian..... I'm not putting a photo of her on here.
The article explained that this person has over 50 million followers on one of the social media platforms, and went on to put that into context, saying that she has more followers than there are people in Canada. There are plenty of countries in the world with populations only a tenth of the size of her follower party.
What I can't grasp is why people "follow" her and what it is that she has celebrity status for? Well, actually, the link above explains a little of it, and it isn't all that savoury. As far as I can tell, she's got such a following on account of her relationships with other people, and her family background. But not for anything she has done herself - she hasn't raised thousands for charity, run back to back marathons, rowed the Atlantic, found a miracle cure for some terrible disease, served her country in some remarkable way - and that makes me sad.
I'm sad that my daughters and others of their generation are being given a message that people can be swayed into adoring someone like this, and hanging on their every word and fashion choice, just because they happen to know someone or be related to someone else. I'm trying to bring up my daughters to DO things, not just BE people.......do you see the difference? I can't remember who said it, but there is a quote somewhere about an aspiration to be a writer, and someone responded that all the person had to do was simply to Write, and then they would be a writer - but they did have to DO something about it, not sit there and merely express the desire to BE a writer...
I know that there are two sides to every story, so I'd be interested in your take on my thoughts, as usual x
It's life.
5 hours ago
I suspect that you are preaching to the choir here, Morgan. I'm entirely with you.
I also loathe the terminology - "follower", "friend" - these have quite different meanings in my mind from what they have on social media.
I had hoped so, FC, in that I hoped I wouldn't be the only one to find the situation so entirely ridiculous! And I absolutely agree - people have "friends" on social media with whom they have very little connection - and I have even asked my daughter about her friends, and she admits that some of them are people that she spends no time with, and has no real connection with apart from being at the same school and in the same year.....that's not friendship!
Totally agree with you! So often we are swimming against the tide but standing firm in our beliefs and raising thoughtful, caring and faith filled kids is what counts. My post yesterday shared the talk I gave at our Mobday night prayer group. At the end of the day it is not the success or acquisitions that count but did we love Jesus as much as we could? Did we share him with others? And did we see him in others?
San xx
San, I just popped over and read your post - wise words I completely agree with xx
I completely agree with you. When I hear of my grandchildren hero worshipping these so called 'celebrities' I just feel sad, very sad.
Don't get me started on this one! We could be here a while xx
I had no idea who she was and kept hearing about her so had a look and I still don't know who she is or why!
Famous for being famous, what a nonsense, and so sad that this is apsirational for some. Vee x
Sue in Suffolk - I guess that is my point! I grew up seeing people who were famous because they DID something, but she seems to have celebrity status just on account of who she knows...but perhaps there is another discussion to be had on the difference between fame and celebrity?
Too many people famous for being famous. The Kardashians are a symbol of a sick society.
I almost feel the US should apologize to the world for making such mountains out of such molehills. It is truly sad that people are more interested in someone walking around half naked and angry with the world than those who care what is happening. We (in the USA)have such a twisted idea of who is worthy of attention. While I am here, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your postings. Thank you for material which reflects the real world. God bless and keep you.
Please excuse me but she got "famous" for doing a sex tape and sharing with the world. Her mother puts her daughters out there. All of them have no talent and I hope my children don't consider her someone. Sad and I am embarrassed by her. Cheryl
The Kardashians are a complete waste of space.
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