Monday, 9 November 2015


I'm feeling a lot of hesitant expectation hanging in the air at the moment, and a lot of "but" words might come up in conversations in the next few days....

The EFG is still having small niggles with the flatmate who has a bit of a  history of instability, and the girl has posted on her tumblr account that she has some particular issues, which the EFG is now concerned about.  I shall be very glad to see the 20th December come when I can get her home for a big hug!

I have to make a presentation to the local preachers' meeting in a couple of weeks.  In my usual manner, I haven't even started it, although I have decided on the topic now, which feels like a major step in the right direction. I shall be making a presentation on "Gratitude, thankfulness, eucharisteo" and we shall hope that they like it, and that it gives them food for thought.

And I have an EF student with a toothache.......

Going to bed now - good night xx


Sandra Ann said...

Your presentation sounds good. Keeping your big girl in prayers that all will be well concerning the flat mate and that the peace of Christ will envelope her and protect her until she arrives home on the 20th.

Prayers also for the toothache troubles.

San x

Terra said...

You chose your topic for the presentation, a good first step.

Dc said...

Is there no chance of a change of digs. I think if I were sharing with an unstable person, I would be saying something to someone official to get moned.

Morgan said...

Thank you all.
DC - they each have separate tenancies on their rooms, which makes the arrangement unusual in my experience. When I was in a student flat, we had a group tenancy, but this is different. It does mean that they are more free to move out if they want to, but the EFG wants to be with the others, so it would effectively mean getting the other girl removed, which is not kind, nor easily done. They do not plan to share with her again next year, but there is further angst in that some of the others want to move to a privately rented flat, where they only pay rent to a landlord: at the moment they are in a flat under an umbrella organisation monitored by the uni, and pay £90 for everything [rent, heat, electricity, etc] whereas they would have all the bills to pay on top of the rent in the other flat. The EFG would prefer to stay where they are, which is central and cheap, whereas a couple of the others want to go to this other place which would mean an hour's trek each morning to where she will be studying next year. She's sticking to her guns, but is also afraid that they will not renew their tenancies in the existing place and she will be left is horrible being a teenager sometimes!!

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. Your daughters are so lucky to have you. You care. Sybil xxx