Friday, 18 September 2015

What's in a word?

Addressing some of your comments, and thinking about the YFG's words yesterday, I love this post from Wendy at My Abundant Life, and I think it very ably sums up a lot of the reasons that some of us actively don't go all out to earn every penny that we can - sometimes it is just wiser to spend less, rather than try to earn more.  As MeanQueen said in the comments yesterday, we only pass this way once, so why "spend" all the time in the pursuit of cash with which to buy stuff we don't really need?

Slow living is more enjoyable than fast living, I think, when fast living means not seeing one's friends and family, not having time for relaxation and hobbies, and not feeling 100% fit because of a lack of rest and good food.  I'm conscious of the fact that I haven't seen my dad for a couple of weeks, and I shall be looking forward to trying to get to see him next week, somehow, for example, and it is UJ's birthday on Monday so I want to have a cake ready when he comes over on Wednesday for the lunch club.  All sorts of little things that make all the difference.  

Jumping down off the soap box for tonight -  thanks for dropping in!


Bladesgirl said...

Wise words Morgan, so true! Glad to hear all is going well for you in your new role. Karen x

Sandra Ann said...

Yes, this is why I love popping by!! MeanQueen's comment is so true, live with less, spend less, less stress!

Your visits and cake making sound just the ticket :-)

God Bless

San x