Monday, 21 September 2015

Tech struggles

I've got a load of photos to share but I took them on my phone and now it won't play ball to email them to the laptop........but the YFG assures me that I can download them with a cord she has - when she finds it and has time to show me.  Hey ho!

I have had a good weekend for the most part - I could have sat at gymnastics on Saturday morning and fallen asleep so I am glad that the YFG came along with me to do most of the actual coaching of the group to which we were assigned. She starts at John Lewis next weekend - and has to catch a train before 7.30 am so we will be up early next Saturday!

Sunday afternoon was just gorgeous with the sun shining and I sat in the sun out the back and caught up with reading some papers.  I had hoped to nip off to see my dad, but when I eventually caught him on the phone, it was past 4pm and I had lost my enthusiasm for going out.  He had been out to lunch with my half-sister and her partner, and it had been a l-o-n-g lunch, but he had enjoyed it.  I don't connect with that sister, I am afraid.  We never got to know each other as I didn't know she existed until I was past 14, and then I didn't meet her until around the time my mum died, I think.  I see her on occasions at family gatherings, and hospitals.....

Off I go again - I shall hope to get the photos sorted out tonight. I hope you are enjoying investigating the new blogs I have added to the blogroll, and if you can recommend some new ones too, I'd be glad to share them - a change helps us all out sometimes!


Frugally challenged said...

Oh, what a relief. I'm not the only one who can't send photos from the phone to the pooter!

veeknits19 said...

Good to catch up with your news,you have been busy as ever. So glad the new job is going well and you can manage without the phone job, time is always an important consideration isn't it? Congrats to YFG on her job & hope she enjoys it. I'm catching up after being away & without internet access, and I'm looking forward to exploring the revised blog roll. All best wishes, Vee x