Sunday, 19 October 2008

Harvest and cooking show

Goodness, no posts since Thursday! Where have I been?! Busy. That is the simple answer but it isn't a good excuse, as we are all busy.

Friday saw the YFG's Harvest Festival assembly at school at 9am. In previous years, there has been a Harvest Festival in the local Methodist church that we attend, but it had to be in two parts as the size of the church doesn't accommodate 140 odd children, staff and all their parents. Unfortunately, school growth has pushed even that idea out of the window, and this year, the school have had to institute a new idea - class by class assemblies all through one week. This has meant that parents with more than one child may have attended on several days to see them all. The YFG's came at the end of the week, as the Y4/5 class which she is in did their assembly in conjunction with the Y6 class. They recited some lovely autumn poems, and sang worship songs, which was fantastic. Their singing has improved, and they were brilliant - I was so proud! After the assembly, we were taken into the classrooms to look at some of their work, and that was interesting too. All in all, it was a very impressive morning, and it was wonderful to see real worship incorporated into the assembly.

After that, we came home and got started on all the routine chores for the day. The rest of the day was pretty usual, with washing, gymnastics, supper and Wire in the Blood, which the FGs and I watched together, all snuggled up in fleece blankets on the sofa.

Saturday - well, what a day! I had to do some banking early on so we did that first, and then went to the gym. We were there until about 1.20pm and then we came home and had some lunch. The YFG then had her friend round to play for the rest of the day, including tea, which was lovely as they do play together really well. After tea, I had to get ready to go out: my sister is a Pampered Chef consultant and she and her recruit, J, had organised a Fundraiser for Breast Cancer, as PC make October their Breast Cancer month and produce some fab pink items for sale only in October. She had phoned me on Thursday and asked me to come along and do part of the cooking, as they were running a "Ready, Steady, Cook!" style competition - me cooking Chocolate Fudge Brownies, against my sister's mother-in-law making Mediterranean Vegetable Tartlets. I didn't want to face a roomful of people on my own, so I took along the mother of the little friend who comes to play, and another friend and her mother. I invited another lady from the town, who I see regularly at gym, and she brought along her friend too. So there were six of us in my support group. The trouble was, despite all their promotion efforts, the six of us consisted the whole audience. It was such a shame for them as they had put so much effort into it all and worked so hard to organise it. However, we all won a raffle prize, and the Chocolate Brownies won me the cooking prize, which is the bunch of pink roses!
Today promises to be fun too, as we have church at 9.30am then the YFG has a pool party in town for the little friend's birthday. My uncle is then coming to tea tonight, so I have some tidying up and cooking to do later. I also have to get the YFG to do her homework, and then iron the school uniforms. Hope you are all having a good day.

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