Amazing! Look - there is a clear table where a family can eat together! I am ashamed to admit that this poor table had been buried under a mountain of clutter for nearly two months, forcing us to eat from plates on our laps. Not what I wanted for our family. However, I spent most of Monday clearing this table, and we have eaten meals on it ever since. The challenge is now to keep it clear. I recently resurrected the utility room from under a pile of junk and I am managing to keep that generally tidy and usable. The trouble with that room is that the family has got used to coming in the back door and just dumping things there - coats, shoes, dirty clothes for the washer, eggs, garden produce, etc and it just got overwhelmed! The room also does duty as my pantry storage area, so it is actually quite important to keep it clean.
Having rescued the dining table and the utility room, I am off to sort out the airing cupboard this afternoon.......I will be back.....
It's life.
5 hours ago
your table looks great! Good luck in keeping it clear :o) we live in a weeny cottage so its vital to keep on top of things or soon we cant move in here eeek.What about a couple of baskets in the utility room so at least when folks plonk stuff in there its sort of contained in the basket & you only need to sort it when the basket is threatening to overspill lol!
I now have 6 light susssex eggs under my broody,I was umming & ahhing over some Sasso egss on EBay but they were start bid at £9.99!! & seeing how mine have eaten this week(added flubenvet to 2kilo of food & thought crikey that will last forever,nope a week & its needed refilling) & that made me balk a bit at food munching Sassos lol! Light Sussex were recommended as a fair table bird so we shall see :o)
19 days to go to see how many *work*
fingers crossed!
GTM x x x
Don't want to rain on your parade but the Sussex cockerels that we have eaten have been a bit on the scrawny side - so hope you have better luck.
Have started on the basket plan - one for shoes, a bowl ready to receive eggs and a nice laundry basket for the dirty clothes that get dumped! Thanks for that.
My hens get through a 25kg sack of mixed corn in a matter of days - about 10 days, I think and that is supplemented with layers mash too! Good job we buy it wholesale. If you can store it, that might be a good idea to look into in your area, especially if you know other local chicken fans who might share a load with you.
Good luck with the hatching - I love that too - so exciting!
Our last cockeral wasnt a meat breed & you are right the meat distribution is qute different,but he tasted delcious,long slow very gentle roast,others I have also taken all the meat off the carcass first & pan fried it which was great too.
We do have a bulk supply of corn from one of the farmers dad helps out,we filled a metal dustbin last autumn & its just over a 1/4 empty as they get layer pellets & corn as treat lol I am not as nice a chicken mama as you lol! :o)
GTM x x x
Maybe you aren't as mad as me - I think (haven't counted exactly lately!) I am feeding close on 40 hens here!
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