Sunday 2 October 2011

Positives and challenges...

Sounds better than Ups and downs!

The positives are that we raised £133 for Macmillan at the coffee morning - so I am very grateful for everyone who supported us.

The challenge is that I have come down with an absolute stinker of a cold, with sore throat, runny nose/blocked nose (it alternates!) and a temperature....but with the Head Coach on holiday, I still have to run the gym club this week, so I am feeling a bit sorry for myself.

I am going to iron just the bits of uniform that the girls need for tomorrow and then I am off to bed to watch Downton Abbey. Hope you are healthier than me tonight!!


Greentwinsmummy said...

I hope you feel better soon x x I am tempting fate here by saying I havent had a lurgey for ayyyyyyges....there that will blow it now wont it lol!! I will go down with the wretched plague lol!
DA is a panacea for all woes and worries I think,its a weekly fix of gentle loveliness!
GTM x x x

Aurora said...

Hope you feel better soon.