Wednesday 28 September 2011

Hafdy Birfday!

That is a weird title, but the EFG couldn't say "Happy Birthday" properly when she was little, so along with "epitephs" (elephants) that phrase has become one of our particular family words!

It's my birthday today - 39 at last! Must get that list of things to do before I am 40 sorted out as now I have just a year to do them...

I have had a cup of tea brought to me in bed, along with gifts (new oven glove, new hairbrush, bath items and a fancy telephone number flip up thingamy) and cards. Birthday wishes have also appeared on Facebook this morning from friends who get up earlier than I do!

I don't intend to do an awful lot this morning - I am going to go and let the chooks out, and then I may retire back to bed for an hour or two, read a new book I bought myself (well, you have to make sure you get the right one! The Lady of the Rivers by Phillipa Gregory) and then a bath..... School meetings this afternoon, so I am having the morning "off".

Have a good day, everyone - I intend to!


Mac n' Janet said...

Happy Birthday! It's mine too, but I'm celebrating the 35 anniversary of my 30th birthday! Hope yours is a good one.

Aurora said...

A very Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Lesley said...

Happy Birthday! Slightly strange to find you are only two days older than me. September 1972 was a good vintage!

Morgan said...

Lesley - in that case you share a birthday with a boy I had to sit next to for a year in Junior school - his birthday is tomorrow too! Haven't seen him in 30 years, but I always spare him a thought on his birthday. Happy Birthday for tomorrow - hope it is a good one!