Thursday, 20 August 2015

My little brainbox

She looks like she is going to follow in the footsteps of the elder brainbox!  

B grades for Maths and English Language and A grades for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Textiles and RE.  That is to add to her previous B for English Literature that she gained last summer and a C in French from the year before - Year 9!  She also has a Merit in ICT - altogether an impressive clutch of grades, and one very proud mummy.  She has smashed her target grades in most subjects, and done better than the mocks indicated that she might, so we are all pleased.

She'll be going on to do her A levels at the same school, and is looking forward to getting back into the routine, I think.  Only a couple of weeks to go!


Frugally challenged said...

Congratulations YFG!

Lyssa Medana said...

Well done!!!! WS xxx

The Challengee said...

Well done YFG!

On another matter, Morgan you recommended some books by Tessa Hainsworth a few weeks ago. I purchased them and fully enjoyed them, but am now ready to pass them on to a new owner. I wondered if any of your blog readers might like them? They're very good as you said! Happy to post them to anyone who wants them.

SusanM said...

Very well done on your exam success YFG!! It's wonderful when you can see all that hard work and effort paying off. Which A levels is YFG studying this year? Schools are back in Scotland already. My son is in his final year and about to apply to university. He's doing Advanced Highers this year and voluntary work within the school and extra curricular groups so should be kept quite busy.

I watched the programme about spending yesterday. Very interesting! xx

veeknits19 said...

Well done YFG, Vee x

Sue in Suffolk said...

Really good news - well done that girl!

rabbitquilter said...

Lovely news!! Well done YFG!! X

markdebby said...

Great news today. Well done.
Challengee, am I to late for the book offer?

The Challengee said...

Markdebby you are welcome to them - please email me at and we'll make arrangements x