Monday, 3 August 2015

Ta-ra, chuck!

Image result for cilla black
(image from

The news that one of Liverpool's greatest stars has died over the weekend has come as a shock to many.  The glorious Cilla was an entertainment legend, and the shows she presented such as Surprise, Surprise! and Blind Date were the memories of my childhood Saturday nights.

She was a really lovely lady, by all accounts, and the news this morning is full of warm tributes from fellow entertainers and friends.  She will be much missed, I am sure.


minimiser deb said...

I can't say I was a huge fan but I felt very sad to hear of her death. She seemed a lovely woman, full of life and down to earth. I very much enjoyed the drama featuring Sheriden Smith showing Cilla's start in the music business. Deb

Gill - That British Woman said...

I posted one of her songs on my blog today as well. A well liked lady.