Friday, 14 August 2015

Just 10%

When you need to install a hanging rail in a cupboard for one of the EF girls, do you go for one of these at £7.48?

No!  Pop along to the local hardware/cheap shop and pick up a broomstick for 79p.  Does the job for a tenth of the price!

I am 100% confident that the FH's son will be able to copy his father's method of fixing it to the wall and save me a fortune - thank goodness for inventiveness!

I have also been wonderfully blessed this week with huge fleece blankets for the EF girls' beds. In the winter, we all have fleecey blankets or quilts on top of our duvets, and with the EFG taking her quilt off to Aberdeen, there wouldn't be enough for the girls as well.  A lady at the Knitting group brought two huge ones yesterday and I was given them in return for a small donation to the church - how kind, and just the thing I was lacking - but God knows every need, hey!  Things are coming together.

1 comment:

KB said...

Sounds like you will be well prepared for the cold days and nights.