Friday, 21 August 2015

Kinky Boots

I'm sure that title will do wonders for the hit counter!

The girls have just sent me this photo from their seats in the Adelphi Theatre tonight as they wait for the start of the premiere night of the new Kinky Boots musical to begin.

The story is set in a Northamptonshire shoe factory, and we have watched the film numerous times!  The FH grew up in Northamptonshire and was always pleased when he found some real Northampton shoes in the charity shops as he knew that they were well made.  The film is brilliant, and I hope that the musical is as good.  This is their birthday treat. 

Here are some links to tell you more about the story. The musical. And the film.

(image from

1 comment:

ciao said...

Hi Morgan, years ago my mother told me my dad had worked at a place making shoes in Northamptonshireand going for shoes with him was terrible as he nearly had them inside out...
He died when I was a baby so never really knew him. Lovely day up here in the North, family on their way calling in before going to the Circus
Love to you all xxxx