Monday, 29 September 2014

In the kitchen this week

There's a certain amount of repetition going on at the moment as we are clearing out the freezers a little!  As long as they are meals we like, we don't mind.....

Today we are having cold chicken left over from the weekend's roast chook, served with some rice and veggies.

Tuesday will be sausages, with mash and veg.  We do have a vast supply of sausages at present.  I can see them looming large every week for a while.

Wednesday we'll have some fish: the YFG may well have fish in batter and I love river cobbler.

Thursday night, after working after the piano lesson, the YFG can zap some lasagne and I will just have a snack.

Friday night will be a Cottage pie that I am going to try to make earlier in the day so that we can just ding it when we get home from gymnastics.

Saturday night the YFG is babysitting but I don't yet know what time, so it'll have to be something quick and easy......

and Sunday?  Haven't quite got there yet!  A freezer rummage will be due before then.....

Hope you all have a good week. I am going to attempt to work this morning for a while but if folk can't hear what I am saying, I may have to have a break and try again later.  I feel not too bad, but I have lost a lot of voice - not good for telephone work!


SusanM said...

Wishing you a belated happy birthday and hope you feel better soon. This cold seems to be up and down the country!

Sue in Suffolk said...

No voice for a telephone job does sound a bit of a problem. I hope you can dose yourself up with something and you get well soon

Angela said...

Keep your throat well lubricated. Lemon and honey is lovely and soothing. Birthday blessings