Thursday, 18 September 2014

A new start

Today I begin the training for the new job - a new start - and the first time I will have been employed since I was a waitress in a posh hotel in St Andrews as a student!  I have to say that it feels weird, but I am sure that it is something I shall get used to in the long run.  Having to work to someone else's rules will be a bit of a change, but hitting targets for the job will hark back to Usborne selling days!

So, three hours of training today starting at 11am, on the internet and the phone simultaneously, and then "start work" on Monday.  I'm nervous, I'm excited, I'm much better for the YFG and I to have me working at home than having to travel, wear a uniform and be restricted to specific hours if I worked in a supermarket or shop, for example.

I have to work three hours a day, so 15 hours over the week, but three of the hours must be worked in the slot between 6 and 8pm between Monday and Thursday.  I can do most of the work in the daytime and then I think that I shall do 90 minutes on Monday and Thursday evenings.

There is a FB group for the people who work for this company, as everyone works at home, so it is a way of interacting with others who do the same or similar roles.

God does answer prayer - I always said I was looking for a job I would be able to start in September, and be part time.  If I could do the job at home, so much the better.  Strikes on all accounts - thank you, Father!  I have felt particularly watched-over and blessed these past couple of weeks.  God is good.

Better go - need to review some documents this morning before the training.


Frugally challenged said...

Brilliant. I hope all goes well and you enjoy the work.

rabbitquilter said...

How intriguing! Good luck! XX

veeknits19 said...

Hope the job goes well, it certainly seems tailor made for you. Vee x

Angela said...

Sounds just right for your needs- hope all goes well xx

Cheapchick said...

Congrats on your new job - I hope everything works out. It will take some adjustment but will give you a bit more financial security.