Friday, 27 December 2013

Wee beasties

This cold and chilly weather is bringing all the wee beasties a bit closer to the house!

(image from

I knew I had one or two of these in my garage, and so we set the traps, and they ate all the chocolate up like well-trained children, and then said, "Lovely, what's next?" We are still deliberating what to put on the traps for maximum impact, so to speak, as chocolate has been recommended by lots of people and hasn't done the trick - they've enjoyed the chocolate but it hasn't caught the little blighters.

But now the game has moved up a notch.

There's one in my office - the dining room!  I heard a rustling sound last night when I sat here reading blogs in the quiet, but this morning, I have seen it!

A deep cleaning and tidying session is on the cards today so that it has less places to hide and then the traps shall be deployed, with chocolate, cheese and whatever else folk want to recommend!


The Squirrel Family said...

we use flour as bait they love it and cant grab and run with it :) hope you find the one on the loose

Frugally challenged said...

Try peanut butter. They can't pinch that so easily

rabbitquilter said...

We have visitors in our shed!! A couple of years ago we got the cushions for the garden chairs out and there was a very neat circular nest chewed out right in the middle!! I couldn't be cross, it looked so cosy!!!! Am thinking of you and your Dad, trust all goes well. Yes, I think you may be wise to broach the Cruise subject!! The Med in January wouldn't be very smooth!! It brings back vivid memories of our Caribbean cruise this time last year, even that wasn't smooth!! OOO err!! I feel quite queasy at the mere thought!!!! Life on the Ocean wave is DEF not for me!!!! Thinking of you all XX

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

I used peanut butter to great effect when we had them at the cottage.....Tesco do a cheapie one for 62p.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Peanut butter!

Juhli said...

We use peanut butter as they have to lick it and can't pull it out. Good luck.

Louise said...

Just a thought - have you tried peanut butter (!) we have two cats and they are always bringing us little presents! Mostly still alive. Happy New Year to you all and I hope that your father continues to improve Best wishes Louise x

Lyssa Medana said...

Peanut butter is supposed to be good for traps. I got those fancy traps that sort of close, stay closed and you can just press a button to dump the mortal remains. They were useless and DH ended up hitting a mouse with a hammer as it nibbled the bait off the trap.

We are very mouse prone here, and the only thing that has worked for any length of time is a cat. It's easier to set a trap! Good luck! WS xxx

Morgan said...

Blimey, folks - thanks for all that input. The traps are set for the night, all eight of them, with cheese, but there is some cheap peanut butter in the stores and I have flour, so if he is still at large in the morning, I shall change the menu. Thank you all!