Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Catching up

I'm chasing my tail with housework, garden work, filing and paperwork, so I haven't had time to read your blogs, let alone think about what to share on my own!  The FH has had a decent day, getting up just about lunchtime after having a lovely soak in the bath.  He says he feels better just for being home again, but actually, he is coughing up a lot of phelgm, and it hurts!  The antibiotics are going down at the allotted time and rate, so I hope they will bring on an improvement soon.....

My achievement of the day is that I have cleared the ironing mountain, but it will soon arise again as I have also done two loads of washing.  Can't win with laundry, I find.

The YFG had been practising her piano pieces like mad as her exam is on Saturday and it is looming large on the horizon - just a couple of days to go.

December is upon us, and I haven't had the chance to get the meal plan done yet, so you can see that I am quite behind, and looking forward to doing more of my catching up tomorrow.  I also have a service to prepare for Sunday [stump of Jesse being my theme] and mince pies to make for a sale as well.

Off to bed now to dream of a holiday next year - I am determined we are going somewhere, so I shall have to build a savings plan around that aim.  

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