Saturday, 28 December 2013


Dad's home.  

I think some people will have an understanding of the sheer relief and joy I have in typing that.  He was so ill last week, that I didn't think he was ever coming home, so it was so blessed to leave him sitting in his reclining chair by the window this afternoon, sipping a cup of tea in his Pjs and dressing gown, looking very happy to be there.  

Not half as happy as I was to see him there.


Lyssa Medana said...

So pleased for you! WS xxx

Sue in Suffolk said...

That's good news. Hospitals are good but home is best.

DeliveringGrace said...

Delighted to hear this!

rabbitquilter said...

Am so glad! He will improve greatly for being home, I'm sure X

Pattypan said...

So pleased - he has been in one of the better hospitals my father was there seven years ago for a triple heart bypass and they were fantastic to him and the care was second to none, but its always a relief when they are back where they belong doing the things they do - hugs to you all



veeknits19 said...

What good news, Vee xx