Monday, 16 December 2013

A day at home

It has been bliss!  Nowhere I have to go and no one I needed to see, just the FH and I at home till 4pm, when the girls rejoined us......

We've made home-made leek and potato soup, and some vegetable soup too.  I've pottered around and done some ironing, worked on making the sitting room habitable again, and even sat and watched most of a film with the YFG tonight.  The other end of the sitting room will be tomorrow's job.  I have done enough for today!  The battery powered lights I ordered for the tree under the stairs have arrived too this morning, so one set is on the tree that they were intended for, and the other set are on the vintage silver tree I showed you yesterday.

"Worked on making the sitting room habitable again" actually took most of the day and involved tidying, dustbusting, cobwebbing, furniture removal and re-arrangement and decorating!

We have watched the end of a Tom Kerridge cooking programme this evening and just caught the part where he was making a spiced orange cake, to serve with Christmas pudding ice cream, so I am off to see if I can google a recipe or one similar - the FH said he would love it!


Varis Creations said...

Great minds think alike - here's a Mary Berry recipe for a similar cake. I saw her making it on one of the bake off follow up programmes and it looked yummy.

rabbitquilter said...

I found a recipe for a Winter Spice Cake which I am going to do for the family No.2 son works for. I found my recipe in Country Homes magazine! Have a small emergency Christmas cake in the oven for someone!! Hope it doesn't take much longer as I want to go to bed, a million mince pies to make tomorrow!! Well 10doz, which will feel like a million!!!!!
Glad you were able to have a quiet day and just 'pootle'!! Love the trees!!

Morgan said...

OOOOh, thanks, VC! I'll have to have a go at that at the weekend, I think - have got my dad coming over for lunch and that might do very nicely for a pud. Love to you all up there, hoping you are well. Not at all jealous of how much weight you have lost [wry smile - incredibly envious of your determination and discipline!!]

Morgan said...

RQ - good luck with your mince pie marathon! My recipe makes 5 doz and I always have to get myself in the right mood to make them - sometimes I make the pastry the night before and chill it, and then make the pies the next morning - makes it seem less like hard work that way and I ENJOY baking!

Take care of yourself, and I hope the cake turned out well last night xx