Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Parish Plan

I went to a meeting tonight in the village about the development of a new Parish Plan - a visionary document which drives the way the village should develop over the next 10 or so years. There was a lot of interest, because people didn't really understand the concept to start with, and thought that they could go along and lobby the parish council about the state of the roads or the sewers, or the local bus services or the threatened closure of the fire station.......but then there was some apathy when it was realised that this Parish Plan may take a year or longer to draw up and then begin to implement.

I went along to represent the Methodist Chapel with the steward, and I was also there with a bit of the school hat on as well. The steward was keen that I go forward onto the Steering group which will begin all the work on surveying the parishioners about what they want the Plan to do. I agreed, and put my name down, but I told her in no uncertain terms that if the amount of time it takes up becomes oppressive, I will have to stop. I will certainly not be taking on an officer role in the committee. I shall sit on my hands if I get the slightest inkling that one might shoot up and betray me! I do think that it is a good idea, and I am interested to know what it will involve. Members of our street committee were there, and promised me that they would support me as well, so if there is footwork needing to be done in the area, they will do it for me.

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