Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Approved Food

I really shouldn't have. But I read that there was a 10% discount code (AP10) valid until the 27th February, and then when I went looking, they have Matthew Walker Christmas Puddings (one of the best kinds) - the 454g size - for just 99p. So I did........


dreamer said...

lol, I can so relate to this :) although on this occasion I have abstained, but only because I have run out of space completely.

Wannabe Sybil said...

Approved Food is wonderfully, inexpensively, deliciously addictive. I haven't found a way to curb impulses yet (delivery due today) Also I found their food bags, not amazingly sturdy but actually v good for all sorts of stuff, I always watch out for the food/bin bags WS x