Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Quiet life

From what I understand, life in a student room has been a bit "bor-ing" for the YFG today whilst the EFG has been out at lectures and labs, but we knew that she would have to spend some time alone today, so she should have been prepared [she was - she took work to do for revision, but I just don't think she felt like doing it!] and carried on!  However, I had a couple of chats with her, and they are having a pizza and DVD night tonight with the EFG's friends.  Tomorrow the EFG has a free day and so they can go off and do things - I think the beach is on the list, as well as the shops.

Life here has been peaceful - housework, phone work, lunch, a sit in the sun with a book, cleaning out the chooks and a shower, preparing my tea to cook later, then phone work again, eating my tea, and now I am contemplating ironing or church work for what is left of the evening - such a thrilling life in the Fens, eh?!  It suits me!

The weather has been so good these past two days that I was overjoyed last night to see my garden lights twinkling as it got dark - they don't work all winter as there isn't enough light each day to charge them up, so it is a great day when they start up again as it is a sure sign that the days are lengthening - not very natural, but a good indicator for me, and I love to see them twinkling in the trellis.

Lent commences tomorrow with Ash Wednesday.  I am thinking about what to "do" as I like to try to be a bit more reflective or thoughtful at least in Lent - should I do something extra or give up something? What do you do, if you do anything?  Not much time for me to decide...


Gill - That British Woman said...

I don't do anything for Lent. Having a quiet day here as well.

Angela said...

Apart from 'Pausing' on the blog at weekends, and having a Pancake Party last night, I confess that this year I haven't given it much thought. Just signed up to the "40 Acts" thing, hoping the daily prompts will be a challenge[but not sure I shall manage them all]

Morgan said...

@Ang - yes, a friend told me about the 40Acts website and I found them on Facebook so I shall get daily reminders. I shall have a go. I am taking the service on Sunday in the village chapel and I have decided to make a Foodbank box as part of the service to have in the chapel for giving during Lent and hope that we can make it a permanent thing.