Monday, 19 January 2015

Frugal ways

Back on the frugal wagon, and we are having a bit of a "if we haven't got it, make it!" week, although we are also taking advantage of yet another "£10 off when you spend £50" Sainsbury's online voucher.  With a determination to stay very close to the £50 target, I have done an online shop which has topped us up in a lot of areas, and means that when the delivery arrives on Wednesday morning, we will have everything we need for quite some time.  I have included quite a few toiletries which we were running out of in order to hit the target figure.

The YFG has had a few pieces of scampi from the freezer with a cob of sweetcorn for her lunch, and then last night's leftovers made us a filling tea: mince mixture left over from spag bol has been turned into a tagliatelle topping for her, and I had mine with a jacket potato and some broccoli.  With the oven on for the baked potato, I cooked two so that I have another one to zap for an extra meal another day, and I made use of the heat to make a sponge cake for myself and some chocolate brownies for the YFG to nibble whilst she is doing all the school work that the teachers have sent her.

And just one little moan - why does the BBC have to show all the great shows at the same time?!  We have a brilliant evening's viewing on Sundays and then we have Silent Witness on Mondays and Tuesdays now - that's four hours of viewing to fit into three nights - I do get quite a bit of knitting done on those nights, I have to say :)

Back to work with a bang, and another kind of performance review today.  This learning curve goes up and down like a yo-yo, and what one director told me before Christmas has had an impact on some of my results, which another director has told me today that I need to be careful about.  I'll take it all on board and see what happens at the next review.  They are going to look at my figures again at the end of the week.....nothing like a bit of pressure to focus the mind.  It did make me have a quick mooch around the job websites whilst I had a cuppa, though.  There's nothing else as convenient, flexible and child-friendly available, so I will hang on in there.

Off to make the hot water bottles and get snuggled down for the night xx


Bridget said...

Just caught up on your blog! Glad your daughter is ok x Hope you had an relaxing weekend to recover x

SusanM said...

Just had an email from Hannah at informing me that the Aldi voucher is in the paper this Thursday. Only mentions the Mirror so hoping it's in the Daily Record in Scotland too. I think this is a week earlier than usual.

rabbitquilter said...

Glad YFG is still improving!! What a pity your job isn't quite going to plan, you will have learnt from the experience though - one way or another!!!! Hopefully something else will come along soon. Am glad to say my shopping is still under control and we are still munching our way through the freezer!!!!! Sending love XX

Meanqueen said...

You can catch up on missed shows on the computer, you don't need to be tied to the tele. I usually watch a few days after the programme went out.