Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Home clothes?

I am sitting here feeling quite scruffy this morning, with a pair of old yoga trousers on, a warm fleece over a Tshirt, thick socks and a bodywarmer over the lot.  Keeps me warm!  This is the morning kit for today, useful for dealing with the chickens, picking and trimming leeks for soup, and sorting out the laundry.  It has also kept me warm whilst I have been doing some coursework.

I wouldn't dream of stepping out of the front door in this get-up though!

I would have to "get dressed" in order to leave the house or garden.  I tend to dress this way at home in order to save the clothes that I wear to present myself to the world!  It doesn't save much laundering this way, as the clothes still get dirty and need washing, but the point is that the better clothes don't need washing as often, because they are worn less, and so they don't wear out as fast - because I understand that the agitation of the washing machine and the whole laundry cycle probably wears clothes out more than the actual wearing of them!

The girls also do this but in the evenings when they come home from school.  They usually change into leggings, jogging bottoms, or even PJs, in the case of the EFG - she has accumulated about 10 pairs of these trousers!  I bought her a pair for Christmas with penguins on them, and they are a favourite pair now.  All the supermarkets sell them, in cotton mixes for summer and fleece and flannel for winter.  The YFG usually wears leggings, and it is an ideal time for her to wear out the older pairs that might sport the odd hole.


Jo said...

We do this too : )

rabbitquilter said...

I had to wear a uniform for years, now I only seem to get as far as jeans and sweatshirts!!! What's the point of dressing up to go to Sainsbugs?!! I'm hardly likely to bump into Cliff am I? (Oh!! if only!!) I also worked evening shifts and haven't quite got the hang of chillin' in jim-jams yet!! Am getting there though!!!

Morgan said...

Believe me, RQ, jeans and a fleece top is dressing up for me! Compared to my "at home" clothes, I mean....

My repertoire of clothes hasn't extended much lately, and I rotate three pairs of jeans, 5 Hawkshead fleece tops over various Tshirts, and two bodywarmers. That is my current uniform! For preaching, I have some shirts/blouses that I wear with one of three cardigans, but still with the jeans! This is what I wear for everything from school meetings to church stuff. The EFG gave me a dress and the folk that saw me in it were speechless...cos they never see me in anything apart from jeans!

Welsh Poppy said...

I do the same with my at home clothes they are the most scruffiest clothes I have but keep me warm:)