Sunday 7 February 2010

Weekend update

I spoke with Dad last night, just before I went to bed, so it was about 6.30 in the evening for him; MB had gone back to her hotel for the evening meal, and he was resting and watching some TV. He sounds as if he is getting back to normal, and I was pleased to hear him sounding cheerful.

Saturday was a busy day, with gym in the morning, shopping and then getting everything ready for the Songs of Praise service at church in the evening. There was a bit to do for that, so the girls cooked a couple of frozen pizzas for tea before we went out. The evening was a success with everyone enjoying themselves, but it would have been louder in the singing if more people had come. We raised £95 to add to the £180 we raised at the coffee morning, so all in all, it was a good weekend for the funds!

This morning I left the YFG and the FH in bed and just took the EFG to church. We had a really lovely service with a preacher we hadn't had before, and we were very pleased to meet her - and hope she'll come again! This afternoon, the neighbour's little boy, A, has been here to play on the Wii with the YFG, bringing with him his Clone Wars helmet - so he scared me half to death with the voices which emerged from it. I retreated to the kitchen and made a cake for tea and a traybake for the lunchboxes as well as cooking up two batches of mince - we had shepherds' pie tonight and the second batch is in the fridge ready to be made into spag bol for tomorrow night.

This evening, my sister rang so I had a chat with her, did the school uniform ironing, put another load of washing through the machine and hung it on the airers by the fire, watched "Wild at heart" and now I'm heading for bed.

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